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Vicca Verde is an architectural studio that projects clear and powerful design solutions, conceived with a vision of innovation and sustainable urban development, based on established design processes.

Projects in 5 countries
Projects executed
Projects abroad
m² designed, 50% executed

Primer Puesto en la categoría Residencial Densidad Media.
Proyecto VPE358 Torres Paz.

Finalista en la categoría Hospedaje.
Proyecto VPE315 Delfín III.

Primer Puesto en la categoría Comercio.
Proyecto VPE360 Armónica Café.

Primer Puesto en el concurso público para el diseño del programa Perú Pachamama para el Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2015.

Primer Puesto en el concurso privado para el diseño de la feria gastronómica Mistura 2015.

Primer Puesto en el concurso público para el diseño del Pabellón de Perú como país invitado de honor a la Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá 2014.

Gonzalo Zegarra
Administrative Manager

Master's in Real Estate Management and Development at the University ESAN, in Lima, Peru.
Architect from the University ANAHUAC, Mexico City, and the University Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru. CAP 9318.
Founder of Vicca Verde (Peru) and Solar. 20+ years as an Architect.
Professor of Architecture Workshop at UPC.

Mateo Peschiera
Comercial Manager

Master's in Architecture: Sustainability and Design, University of East London, London, United Kingdom. Architect from the University
Mayor, Santiago, Chile. CAP 13193. Founder of Vicca Verde (UK) and Solar. 20+ years as an Architect. Experience at David Collins (London) and Schneider Designers (London). Professor of Architecture Workshop at UPC.

Horacio Goitre
CEO - Operations Manager

Master's in Project Management at the Antonio Camuñaz School of Architecture, Universidad de San Pablo Ceu, Madrid, Spain. Architect from the University Ricardo Palma. CAP 6209.
Founder of Vicca Verde (UK and Peru) and Solar. 20+ years as an Architect.
Experience at David Collins (London) and Bovis Lend Lease (Madrid).

Dario Chinchilla
Financial Manager

Specialization in Construction Management, Pontifical Javeriana University, Bogota, Colombia. Architect from the Universidad Piloto de Colombia. 15 years at Vicca Verde (UK and Peru). 20 years’ experience as an Architect.

Mariana Nájar
Project Coordinator

Architect from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

Edgard Canales
Project Coordinator

Architect from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences - UPC.
Advanced knowledge in AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup.

Flor De María Carbajal
Project Management

Architect from the National University Federico Villarreal. Diploma in Project Management – PMI at ESAN University.

Gonzalo Herrera
Project Coordinator

Architect from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences – UPC.
Advanced knowledge in AutoCAD, Sketchup, and Photoshop.

Paola Lopez
Architectural Technician

Bachelor of Architecture from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences - UPC.

Hector Calderón
Architectural Technician

Bachelor of Architecture from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences - UPC.

Angelica Ramírez
Architectural Intern

Architecture student from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

Andrea Zevallos
Architectural Technician

Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Lima - UL

Linda Colonia
General Administration and HR Specialist

Business Administrator from the San Ignacio De Loyola Institute.
General Administrative and HR Management Services.

Itala Díaz
Accounting Coordinator

Bachelor in Accounting and Finance from the Universidad Peruana Los Andes.
Accounting, Budget Preparation, and Financial Administration.

Sheyla Aguilar
Assistant in Treasury and Human Resources

Bachelor of Business Administration with a specialization in Corporate Finance and Human Resources

Helmer Andrade
IT Support

Systems Engineer from the Universidad César Vallejo de Piura.
Systems Analyst and Programmer.

Carlos Enriquez
Administrative and General Services Officer

Computer and Systems Engineer from the Universidad San Martín de Porres.
Over 10 years of experience in processing, files, and license management.

Guillermo Chillitupa
Site Supervisor

Over 10 years of experience as a Site Supervisor.
Construction Quality Control and Post-Sale Details.

¿De qué hablan tres chicos de veintipocos que se reúnen para hacer los proyectos de la universidad?

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    We are always looking for talent. Write to us to know your professional profile. Don't forget to attach your CV and portfolio.